by dhillonk | Mar 1, 2017 | Weight Loss
I hope you enjoyed my last week’s blog on breakfast. This week I want to talk about the most important component in your diet, WATER!! Water is one of the most important components in losing fat and keeping it off. Water is not only a natural appetite suppressant, but...
by dhillonk | Mar 1, 2017 | Weight Loss
Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed last week’s blog on the best way to lose weight. This week I want to talk about the most important meal of the day, breakfast and the reasons why adults or kids should not skip the breakfast! Studies have shown that kids who skip...
by dhillonk | Mar 1, 2015 | Weight Loss
I am sure with the summer approaching we all have started to think about that “beach body,” and the advertisers are making sure that we are reminded of it everyday with all the crazy workouts to get us in the best shape in less then 90 days. Being in the...
by dhillonk | Feb 12, 2014 | Weight Loss
Being a personal trainer for the last 12 years I have been asked this question alot, “Karan, what’s the best way to lose weight, fast?” I have always told my clients that it’s a life style change and that’s how it should be approached. Trying to change everything at...