I hope you enjoyed my last week’s blog on breakfast. This week I want to talk about the most important component in your diet, WATER!!
Water is one of the most important components in losing fat and keeping it off. Water is not only a natural appetite suppressant, but it actually helps the body metabolize stored fat. When the body does not have a good supply of water to draw from to perform required physiological tasks, it will draw water from inside the bodies cells, including fat cells, in order to perform the desired tasks.
In addition to hindered fat loss, one of the most common misconceptions is that drinking water cause water retention. The truth is the exact opposite. Lack of water causes water retention. The reason for this is that the body perceives the shortage when it is provided with less than it needs thus causing what is commonly referred to as “survival mode”, retaining every last drop that it can. It also helps maintain our performance and effort during exercise, and in turn our physical results.
In addition to this, did you know that the kidneys need a specific and plentiful water supply to function properly? If the kidneys are functioning at low capacity, they will recruit the liver to pick up the slack. One of the liver’s primary functions is to metabolize stored fat for the body to use as energy.
I personally drink about 1 gallon of water a day. I would suggest that you should consume about 80-100oz of water a day.